In Elegance Bratton’s deeply moving film inspired by his own story, a young, gay Black man, rejected by his mother and with few options for his future, decides to join the Marines, doing whatever it takes to succeed in a system that would cast him aside. But even as he battles deep-seated prejudice and the grueling routines of basic training, he finds unexpected camaraderie, strength, and support in this new community, giving him a hard-earned sense of belonging that will shape his identity and forever change his life.

What the critics are saying:

It is the type of film — brave, raw and poetic — that will rightly put Bratton on the map as someone to watch, not to mention the standout performances of Jeremy Pope and Gabrielle Union.

Lindsey Bahr
Associated Press

Bratton brings a surreal, rubbed-raw realness to “The Inspection” — reflected in the performances, the film’s gritty look and unconventional style.

Randy Myers
San Jose Mercury News

The Inspection isn’t a perfect movie, but there are times when it feels like it’s tantalizingly close.

Phil Pirrello
AV Club