
BABES follows inseparable childhood friends Eden (Ilana Glazer) and Dawn (Michelle Buteau), having grown up together in NYC, now firmly in different phases of adulthood. When carefree an single Eden decides to have a baby on her own after a one-night stand, their...

Hard Ticket to Hawaii (1987)

WVIFF is proud to present “Beyond the Back Row,” a new film series showcasing weird, offbeat, and obscure films that would feel right at home in a grindhouse theater on 42nd Street during the 1970’s. Join us as we explore daring, no holds barred films that aren’t...


Inspired by a real-life experience of director Josh Margolin's own grandmother, THELMA puts a clever spin on movies like MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE, shining the spotlight on an elderly grandmother as an unlikely action hero. With infectious humor, Margolin employs the...

I Saw the TV Glow

Teenager Owen is just trying to make it through life in the suburbs when his classmate introduces him to a mysterious late-night TV show — a vision of a supernatural world beneath their own. In the pale glow of the television, Owen’s view of reality begins to crack....

The Room

THE ROOM IS BACK ONCE AGAIN! The tradition contiunes with: THE ROOM! We are bringing another late night screening to The Floralee Hark Cohen Cinema! Important note for first time viewers: this is a cult classic movie screening, people will be...