Akio Sakurai has dedicated his life to honoring Jimmy Page. For 30 years he recreated vintage Zeppelin concerts note-for-note in small Tokyo clubs. Moving to L.A. to pursue his tribute dream, cultures clash and Akio’s idyllic vision meets reality.

What the critics are saying:

“In our current universe, where followers give themselves over to their entertainment or culture-warrior heroes with undying devotion and zero questioning, his devotion to honoring this particular house of the old is sweet, almost noble.”
– David Browne, Rolling Stone

“At times both inspiring and melancholy, and consistently fascinating, Mr. Jimmy is a compelling look at fandom taken to a degree that most would never even consider.”
– Brent Hankins, The Lamplight Review

“Through an exploration of the life of an ex-kimono salesman who has dedicated his life to emulating Jimmy Page, Mr. Jimmy is a unique look at what it means to pay tribute to the things you love.”
– Miyako Pleines, Spectrum Culture